Who's more likely to be unfaithful?

Monday, June 6, 2011


Watch this video....

What do you think?
copy and paste this link


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy 2011 to all!

This year I have a whole bunch of resolutions.
I am going to write them down and share them with the world.
I read somewhere that if you write down your goals they are more likely to come true.

Here it is.

2011 Resolutions:

1) Work out.
- I don't have an actual weight loss goal but I know that I will lose weight as a by product.
2) Eat better.
- That one is self explanatory. Less fast food!
3) Follow up with my business leads.
- I'm losing money. I have to be better about my scheduling and phone call returning.
4) Update this blog more often.
- Its going to be good and juicy! Keep checking back.
5) Get laid.
- Yeah. Its been a while. I'm not talking about just having sex. It has to be GOOD! Ok,

What are your resolutions?