Who's more likely to be unfaithful?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Your Type

I recently heard this song and I love it. The first line is "Can I save you from you?"

How many times have you fallen for the same type of person in hopes that you could make them better. "Save" them from themselves. Many a relationship has been doomed by that sentiment. You can't make a person over into someone else. It is far easier to just look for the person you want in the first place.

I'll be the first to admit that I have a set TYPE. One of these days I'll smarten up and find a new TYPE. In the meantime I'm with Jamie Foxx/Drake- (I always) Fall For Your Type

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Self Service

I know as a NEW modern woman I am in control of my orgasms and sensuality. I know that if I want one I am well within my rights to take matters into my own hands as it were and enjoy. :( The only problem is I miss the ride. It simply isn't fun to tend to my own O. Maybe I need to work on my technique but it isn't quite so amazing either.

I wonder how many others feel the same? I won't say I haven't considered just finding a warm body to aid me in this but men can not walk away as easily as they say they can.(They can't.)

Plus I don't want to be a WHORE. Who else is feeling me?

Next time we talk about what makes a whore.

I got this picture here.